School Improvement Council
The PHS School Improvement Council (SIC) is an advisory council to the principal that is focused on school improvement issues. It is made up of representatives of parents, teachers, and community members. The principal serves as an ex-officio member.
The SIC meets at least monthly during the school year. PHS parent representatives are nominated and elected by their fellow PHS parents. Any parent/guardian of at least one child enrolled in PHS is eligible to place his/her own name or the name of another parent in nomination.
Parent representatives are elected to a term of two years. If a parent has a child enrolled in the 12th grade at PHS for the current school year and will not have any child enrolled the following year, that parent is elected to a term of one year only.
For a complete list of all schools identified for support and improvement, please see the State report card under School Improvement.
This school HAS NOT BEEN identified for support and improvement.